We spent Thanksgiving week in Southern California with family. My parents and sister came home with us for a few days afterwards so the last week and a half has been pretty busy. It was really great getting together but I am still recovering.
We met my brother Joe (who is at the CHP Academy) for a fancy dinner on Wednesday night at Ikea. It was good to see him, even if it was only for an hour... And I got to look around by myself for a bit!
Eli and Maren are loving trips to the local park now that the weather has improved. It has been beautiful all this week...up into the 80's. Too bad that it will continue to get hotter as summer comes along. Maren is climbing up the slide and going down by herself. She doesn't care for the swings. Eli loves it all and enjoys playing with the other kids.
It has rained so much this year. I think over 20 days during the month of March. It was sunny yesterday and we were outside for a couple of hours blowing bubbles and visiting the local nursery picking out flowers. The kids loved the "Garden Store" so I am sure we will be going back again soon...to just walk around or replace the flowers that will be neglected in my pots.